Donald Trump is God?

At lunch this past week I was having a friendly conversation with a colleague, and we came to the conclusion that Donald Trump may be God. I a past post I made the point that he is like a Chinese, Daoist god, inn that he expects all to direct their attention to him. So this point has been firmly established. But this new question is to consider if Trump has expanded his "godship" to also become the christian god. Let's consider the evidence.

When I was growing up, in Sunday School I was taught that God has three omnis: omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Let's consider each of these attributes as they apply to Trump.

First, we know from his claim that he has "one of the greatest memories of all time" (except when he is trying to recall his meeting with George Papadapoulos) that he is omniscient. So that satisfies one of the omnis.

Second, we know that Trump is everywhere and at all time. For instance, when exercising in the gym at the University of Macau, I will see the television news broadcast on, and there he is. I cannot escape him. And he recently said that all he has to do is go "bing bing bing" on Twitter, and then his words go out to everyone in the universe. So clearly Trump is omnipresent.

Third, Trump wants to make judgment on all manner of cases of law, thus demonstrating his omnipotence. But here is where he is having problems. Just recently he expressed frustration at not being able to tell the US Department of Justice what cases to prosecute. This really frustrates him! And now I understand why. This is because it is the last "omni" preventing him from truly becoming god. Let's hope for Trump's sake that Christians keep pushing DOJ to see the light, because this is the only attribute preventing him from becoming god over all. He must be allowed to decide on all questions of justice! Once he clears this hurdle, we then can conclude, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Donald J Trump is god.

God help us all!!


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